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A Message from the Principal

Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back to School

Dear Sierra Junior and High School Students and Parents,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I welcome everyone back to the 2024-2025 school year. It is an honor to take the lead of Sierra Junior Senior High School.  I hope you have had a wonderful summer and will make the most of these last few days of break. As we get closer to the start of this year, there are some items below for you to be aware of. 

A new school year always brings new staff changes, and this year is no exception.  We are excited to welcome the following educators to Sierra: 
John Thomas - Spanish
Maria Pantoja - Art
Noemi Marjala - English/Drama
Katie Young - English
Jordan Moorman - Junior High English
Brian Fonseca - Boys PE
Bonner Cunnings - Special Education

2024-25 Class Schedule
Please look your schedule over carefully and note the following:  
Each class has a code next to the period number that tells you what time period that class is for:
  • Y means the class is scheduled for the entire length of the school year.
  • F means the class is scheduled for the fall semester only.
  • S means the class is scheduled only for the spring semester. 
Please look closely to make sure that you have either an “F” or a “Y” for periods 1-4 and 6-8. SHS lunch is during 5th period, so you should not have a 5th period class listed on your schedule.  If you are missing one of these codes for any period, your schedule is incomplete. There are a number of reasons you may not have a full schedule.  It may mean that more students signed up for a class than could be accommodated or some of the classes you wanted conflicted with each other. Whatever the reason, you need to take care of this before school starts so you have a complete schedule. 


  • Complete ”SCHEDULE CHANGE REQUEST FORM” from the Schedule Pick-Up day.  This form must include a parent/guardian signature.
  • If there is space available prior to the first day of school, your counselor will make the changes requested and email the new schedule to you.

  • If there is NOT space available prior to the first day of school, you must attend the courses as they are listed on your schedule until your counselor notifies you that the change is complete. 

We will not be able to accommodate schedule changes based on teacher requests or to be in specific classes with friends. 

Due to faculty meetings and new student registration, schedules will NOT be changed after August 8th, prior to the first day, nor will they be made Wednesday - Friday of the first week of school. Any student needing a schedule change after Thursday, August 8th, must pick up a request for schedule change form from the counseling office starting Monday, August 19th.

If one of your classes is Office Aide, you must check in with Katie Vargas in the Business Office on the first day.  You will then be given your assignment.  If you are a TA, you will be notified which teacher to report to prior to the first day of school.
The last day to change any class for the first semester is
Wednesday, September 4th 
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL:  Wednesday, August 14, 2024.


Note: Pictures can be ordered and paid for online.

Seniors will take their ‘Senior Pictures’ at a later date. 

Looking forward to a great year!

Matt Toews